Melodies for reflection, autumn magic and little SaturdayMelodies for reflection, autumn magic and little Saturday

Melodies for reflection, autumn magic and little Saturday

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hotel package
Park Café

Midweek deals - stay at Tollboden, enjoy an evening of dinner and entertainment at Park Café.

Price from NOK 1,895 per person
Includes accommodation with breakfast, dinner and concert tickets

Welcome to a unique fall experience, with accommodation, food and fun.

On Wednesday, November 8 and 29, we're hosting "Pop and Poetry at Park" in our stylish venue next to Tollboden in Strandgata.

Sebastian Aanonsen, Tor Morten Halvorsen and Lars Taraldsen bring delicious melodies and words to warm up the mood in late autumn.

Lars Taraldsen is poetry. He is a fantastic writer and communicator, with rich and detail-oriented depictions of what it means to be. We look forward to hearing him at Park Café on Wednesday, November 8 at 20.00

Tor Morten Halvorsen is an eminent musician and conductor. The man from Lyngør conducts the Risør Motet Choir and is the cantor at Risør Church. We are delighted that such a competent cultural player has chosen to settle in the local area.

Sebastian Aanonsen, multi-instrumentalist and the duracell rabbit himself, has had a bit of a rest after the summer's lines, and is perhaps ready for something sentimental and melancholic. We don't know what it will be, it's Aanonsen's direction and it's a secret.

Accommodation at Tollboden

Stay in one of our beautiful new rooms at Tollboden, with views of the sea and Risør's beautiful city center. Breakfast is served at restaurant Tollboden 1865 on the first floor.

Great atmosphere by the waterfront at Park Café

Welcome to our beautiful new venue, a stylish gastropub in what was once an old run-down gas station.